poniedziałek, 22 grudnia 2014

Mincemeat pie / Ciasteczka nadziewane masą z kandyzowanych owoców

These cookies are a festive tradition from English speaking countries. I have seen them for the first time in New Zealand, in a cooking magazine. They have a great orange zest aroma which brings real Christmas spirit!

poniedziałek, 15 grudnia 2014

Gingerbread / Piernik długo dojrzewający

This gingerbread should be prepared in the early November if you want it to be ready for Christmas. The raw dough should be kept in a cool place, for 4 weeks before baking. 

sobota, 13 grudnia 2014

Salmon tartare served in avocado / Tatar z łososia w awokado

piątek, 5 grudnia 2014

Little Gingerbread Cookies (my Grandmothers recipe) / Drobne pierniczki wg przepisu babci Matyldy

I used to bake these gingerbread cookies before Christmas. They are really easy to make and bring festive spirit into the house. Now that Andrzej is a granddad it's fun to bake them and make the kids happy. From this recipe you will get around 70 little gingerbreads. Straight after baking they will be soft, than slightly harder. After couple of days they will get softer again.